Month: February 2021

  • Video Games and Theories of Learning: Spotlight on JP Gee and Howard Gardner

    Many people at all stages of their lives are addicted to video games. The game can be long, challenging and exciting, but players find it fun and inspiring. It is hard not to recognize that games have social and cultural significance in our society. According to J. P.G. (2003), there are principles of learning (LP)…

  • Five Important Steps to Make Your Students Enjoy Learning

    One of the teacher’s most important tasks is to manage learning (from planning, implementation and evaluation) to help students achieve maximum learning goals. But there are times when teachers cannot help students achieve the best results because students do not have the desire to learn. Students do not seem to want to participate in the…

  • Secret to Learning French: Six Great Tips

    Have you thought about learning a second language, such as French, because you are planning a trip to Paris and don’t want to be like a typical American tourist who doesn’t speak a local language a gram? Frustrated with further action? Does this Duo Lingo app ™ or Berlitz DVDs ™ for some reason do…

  • What Can Instructors Do to Promote Learning?

    If you asked your students what they learned at the end of the week or at the end of the lesson, what do you think their answer would be? Will it be something they read, a memorable classroom lecture, an interesting discussion in the classroom, or an insight they learned from all these elements in…

  • Challenges and Advantages of E-Learning: Creative Learning Experience

    Digitalization has changed the era of clicking or touching a mobile phone in every sense. As a result, approximations have become easier and tasks easier to calculate. From shopping to dating, from business to research, from business meetings to socializing, everything is at the same stage, and the whole world is immersed in one term,…

  • Making Your Schedule Flexible With Online Learning

    There is a war: it is a war against planning. Often your lifestyle becomes a unique battleground. You are constantly defending for a while, your only ally – savvy and a little luck, which in itself will not work without you. Your weapon is a calendar, your laptop and your planning skills. But times change,…

  • Lifelong Learning and Workplace Learning: Relevant Education for a Knowledge-Based Economy

    Entry Education is a human rights issue for both personal enrichment and development. Namibia’s constitution states that all people have access to education. It is also supported by the 4 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Goal 4 focuses on inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all. Today’s…

  • Peer Learning Groups and the Adult Learner

    Learning how adults learn is more than just an academic obsession with researchers and university professors. Rather, it is an important event in today’s environment, when learning is needed by organizations to remain competitive and progressive. Sir Malcolm Knowles, the ‘father’ of adult education, offered four principles: Adults are more interested in learning about topics…

  • Discover How to Engage Your Students in an Active Learning Process

    Your students come to classes or visit an online platform and perform the tasks they need, which should mean to some extent that they are interested in learning. Somehow, through lectures or news reports, these students will devote time to development, and through actions designed to ensure that they take the time to read and…

  • Understanding Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and its subset of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) play an important role in data science. Data science is a complex process that involves pre-processing, analysis, visualization, and forecasting. Let’s dive into AI and its subset. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computing industry that involves the creation of intelligent machines…