Digitalization has changed the era of clicking or touching a mobile phone in every sense. As a result, approximations have become easier and tasks easier to calculate. From shopping to dating, from business to research, from business meetings to socializing, everything is at the same stage, and the whole world is immersed in one term, which is the Internet. It is important to note that learning is not only in the classroom, but is also available on a digital platform and is known as e-learning or e-learning.
E-Learning, this word defines the concept that learning is done through an electronic device such as a desktop computer, laptop, CD-ROM, digital TV or mobile phone. But now mobile learning is also called mobile learning. Students have a different view of e-learning, some of whom are enthusiastic and enthusiastic, while some doubt this innovative approach. So let’s look at the term “e-learning,” its types, and its obvious doubts, focusing on the following issues and benefits.
Types of e-learning
In general, there are three types of e-learning process: synchronized e-learning, asynchronous e-learning and mixed method.
In synchronized online learning, learning takes place in real time in a virtual classroom. The student and the teacher must communicate simultaneously over the Internet and communicate through messaging, chat, videoconference or call.
Asynchronous online training is training through a recorded medium. It is not based on real-time learning. It is supported by lectures, online educational materials, integrated training, courses or focus groups.
The mixing method prints the characteristics of synchronous and asynchronous learning.
The benefits of e-learning
Flexibility: In a traditional classroom, students must regularly attend a college or institution with a planned program that must be completed within a certain period of time. Although the online learning method gives you the opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere with your own deadlines.

The benefits of e-learning
Flexibility: In a traditional classroom, students must regularly attend a college or institution with a planned program that must be completed within a certain period of time. Although the online learning method gives you the opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere with your own deadlines.
Fast learning: Students can learn at their own pace and in accordance with their own interests. They don’t have to try to match the speed and pace of other students. They can complete their program as quickly or slowly as they want.
Access at any time: Curriculum and learning materials are available online and provide access at any time anywhere, so students don’t have to worry about when to sit down to study, they can do so anytime anywhere.
More memorization and understanding: In online courses, the learning process is done through presentations, images, and videos. It is a well-known fact that visual content is easier to retain in a person’s memory than verbal and textual content. This helps to better understand things and increases the student’s ability to remember and understand.
Comments and immediate results: Traditional training takes time to check copies and report results. When training online, the tests take place online. This has reduced the time it takes to get results and has also become more attractive to students because they do not need to meet the teacher while the result is being received.
A more environmentally friendly approach: paper is made by cutting down trees. Thanks to electronic training, students save documents – save trees. Thus, it is an environmentally friendly method of learning.
Profitability: Using the Internet will undoubtedly reduce the cost of paper, books, notebooks, files, pens and other stationery. In addition, it also reduces the cost of travel to a college or training center. That’s why online learning is a profitable learning method.
Easy update: Instructors very easily update notes and other lectures online, and it is very difficult to make changes to published books in the short term.