There is a war: it is a war against planning. Often your lifestyle becomes a unique battleground. You are constantly defending for a while, your only ally – savvy and a little luck, which in itself will not work without you. Your weapon is a calendar, your laptop and your planning skills. But times change, from the language you speak to the ways of learning. You are constantly on the lookout for knowledge, except that you are held back by some unexpected obstacles and problems. In fact, nowadays it doesn’t matter whether you’re a student or an investment banker: flexible planning is your priority.
How about this: Johanna – a young entrepreneur who is currently going through the first years of his career. She lives out of town – far from the center, but not too far away. Like any woman, Johanna has responsibilities to perform: she has a husband, works full-time, takes care of her parents and takes care of her children every day of the week. Then suddenly his career begins. It is responsible for customers not only in Germany, but almost all over the European continent, like many other people from all over the world; it struggles to adapt to culture, learn new languages and stay in touch with its customers. However, it is also part of a growing trend that is spreading. Although she enjoys learning face-to-face, she also prefers online learning.
Flexibility is needed by most young people. Another growing trend is the “work-life balance.” Of course, it’s easier said than done. Most people know about it, or at least have heard of it, but if it were as easy as a switch, we’d all be lying on sofa beds, or better prepared, or taught a new language. Before even considering online training, it was just a slogan. Employed people after work went to evening lessons, got on bikes, cycled on windy nights when they were overcrowded, and went on an exciting educational journey.
We now live in a time when learning can be achieved anywhere by technology, and as technology evolves, our way of life and flexibility often do not.

Work and study
The German Centre for Trade and Investment has suggested that, at least in Germany, working hours do not exceed 40 hours per week. Thus, maintaining a work-life balance is not a difficult learning curve, and our daughter Johanna could certainly use this extra time to communicate better with her clients. In both senses, it is the freedom to use the same language and pure sound.
According to Diane G. Oblinger, author of “Education and Information Technology,” in 2009, at least 5.6 million students enrolled in online courses. Now that number is 6.3 million, and that’s only in the United States. In fact, a UNESCO study of the “Influence of Distance Education on Adult Learning” (IDEAL) project shows that The most active countries in e-learning in Europe were Greece, the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany.
If we translated these statistics, we would have received the answer that the education sector is emerging and changing. Traditional adults such as Johana went to a traditional college, and now that she is in the real world, it is time for her to go one step further. Adults, like Johan, need flexible planning and an unconventional way to live up to their family and career expectations. Authors such as Oblinger have suggested that adults can simplify their schedules and not kill their calendars with online learning tools.
The word “class” will soon take on a different meaning. When you first hear this word, you think of your old high school, with rows and rows of seats as far as the eyes are filled with students in hoodies and sweatshirts. The word “class” means nothing when adults can learn and access any course they study at home, in cafes, in a country house and more or less anywhere in the world.
Like Johan, these adults do not care about prestige, labels, branding, exotic city in which their educational institution is located, and whether business is connected with social status.
Live online training
Choosing an online learning platform is like finding evening lessons, but the process is easier. It’s a lot easier. You protect dubious and unreliable people who are too far from your home or office, and choose those who are close. Except that you no longer have to do this with electronic training. You can take part in a session held in Belgrade in Hamburg. This step has already been ruled out. There are many platforms to choose from, one of the most notable is online real-time training or abbreviated lol. The first thing you notice is how easy it is to sign up. No paperwork or tedious application process. You fill in the parts and in 5 minutes everything is ready.
Johan, like most adults, has clients from other countries and really wants to learn English. The nearest language school is 5km by bike and has other priorities such as university lessons at 8am and cooking on weekends. She can go through the process of reading bulky phone directories and teachers on cold calls to teach her at home, adding transportation costs that exceed Johan’s costs, and given her finances, she’s not in the mood to take to the bank anytime soon. So she turned to online training. She goes home, turns on her laptop, arranges a meeting with the teacher and takes a course of study.
The advantage of online courses is that they can be repeated at any time and anywhere. She can learn English by visiting her family in Spain and then taking guitar lessons during a trip to the United States.
Let’s face it, most of us avoid movement like the flu. Is there a better way to relax after a hard day than to sit in traffic and endure even more stress? Students and professionals have priorities, and traffic is probably not one of them. Weather also does not help much, blizzards and blizzards are not only dangerous, but also unproductive. The economic costs of cancelling lessons are devastating for students and teachers and are very inefficient.