If you asked your students what they learned at the end of the week or at the end of the lesson, what do you think their answer would be? Will it be something they read, a memorable classroom lecture, an interesting discussion in the classroom, or an insight they learned from all these elements in the classroom combined? As a teacher, do you think that learning is an ongoing process throughout the course, or do you find that it happens at a certain time and according to certain guidelines?
The classroom, instructor, textbook and designated training activities are designed to provide learning when enrolling students. When developing a course, consider the purpose of the training or the results. The tasks set the goal of the course and measure the grades so that students can demonstrate that they have learned something. All training activities are specifically designed to achieve learning goals.
However, the training does not take place linearly, during a set number of weeks of lessons or certain training activities. Even the course’s goals do not guarantee that students will study as planned. What is the critical element? Class instructor. The role of the instructor is important not only for the management of the class, but also for creating conditions in the classroom and in the minds of students that contribute to learning. These are conditions that in themselves cannot create course goals and learning activities.
More questions about classroom learning
As I pondered the learning process, I prepared a list of additional questions I would like to ask to help other teachers think about how students learn.
How do you define learning? Is it getting information, doing homework, getting grades, participating in classroom discussions, attending a class or something else? Do you think the results measured relative to learning goals are temporary in nature, or do these goals indicate that something has happened in the long run when students can demonstrate that they have learned or accomplished them all??

Is every student learning something in your class? This is important to consider because it is almost believed that learning takes place as if there is a guarantee that it will happen for every student who tries. You can also think about how much effort a student puts into it and whether it will affect their ability to learn.
Do some training activities contribute to learning better than others? For example, when a student answers a question for discussion, has that student demonstrated that he has learned the knowledge, or is the answer to the teacher’s subsequent question the best indicator? Is writing homework just as effective or more effective than discussion in the classroom, helping students demonstrate what they have learned? Are some types of missions more effective at achieving this goal than others?
My point of view as a student and teacher
I got two degrees in a traditional class. Most of all I memorized some of the cool projects that I needed to accomplish, as well as some of the written projects, especially the project culminating in my MBA program. I wrote a business plan and had to do research to start a new business that really helped everything I learned. As a result of this project, concepts and application of theories that I never forgot, and it helped me in my work as a teacher.
The rest of the degree I received in an unconventional audience or online. The most difficult degree was a doctorate, because I had nothing to remember and did not have to pass. I received my assessments by conducting research and projecting, especially written projects in which the information I learned was used in such a way as to create sustainable knowledge. I still remember these projects well, especially my research, and the work I started during this doctoral program, I will continue today. The knowledge gained has been applied in my career through books, blog posts and articles.
When I taught at a community college, I was different from many other teachers because I didn’t want to teach before the exam.
What can instructors do to promote learning?
After studying adult education, I have come to understand it in terms of how the mind absorbs and processes information. When students read something in a textbook or listen to a lecture, it is information, and part of it is stored in short-term memory. It’s the same with storing information for the test. This information is stored in short-term memory. In order for teachers to report that learning has taken place, students must somehow relate to this information or apply it in a way that is in a long-term memory. Long-term memory is a storage center organized by connections and associations. By understanding how information is stored, it can help the teacher prepare to help students in the classroom.
Contribution to the classroom: As a teacher, you must have a dual perspective on your class. One prospect is to manage the class and ensure that your contractual obligations are met. The other is in terms of education and what you can do to create an adult learning environment, even if you didn’t control the course design itself. The most important thing you can do is your intellectual contribution. As a teacher, you have a unique ability to see lesson concepts from different perspectives, and you can share these points of view during discussions in the form of answers and follow-up tips. You can also share additional resources, reviews, tours, resumes and guides – anything that can add value to your students.
Preparing and preparing students: Two problems that can help students or hinder their academic performance at any time are preparation and preparation for their studies. At first it may be out of your direct control; But getting to know your students and providing feedback will help you meet their development needs. What you can do is consider methods and strategies that will help them learn each week of class.