What Gun Owners Are Saying After The Latest Mass Shooting In America



Today, the governor reaffirmed his commitment to reducing the epidemic of gun violence in New Jersey and signed seven comprehensive gun safety laws, six of which were part of his Gun Safety 3.0 package that he introduced to the legislature in April 2021 and has repeatedly defended over the past year. These gun safety reforms further strengthen New Jersey as a national leader in gun safety and deliver on the promise to make communities safer. As our families, communities and our country recover from the terrible daily tragedies, we must pledge to change our culture and policies and stop this cycle of violence.

Without such research, it is difficult to determine the effects of firearm safety practices on other relevant outcomes, such as firearm deaths, injuries, and violent crime. In addition, the effects of training on hunting and recreation and on the arms industry remain unknown. Guns in K-12 schools make students, teachers and staff less safe, but after school shootings, the gun lobby predictably calls for more guns in schools. In some states, school safety that is not trained to enforce the law can result in about half of the states allowing teachers or other school employees with concealed carrying permits to carry firearms on school grounds, with or without individualized permission. Conference participants also expressed concern about the pervasive culture of fear and violence that exists in many of the communities they serve. At the community level, participants noted that firearms are often used in response to fear.

Many states have extremely lax licensing laws; many states don’t even need a hidden wearing permit. Forcing states with strong CCW laws like California and New York to comply with the weak laws of states like Florida and Louisiana will endanger public safety and make it significantly more difficult for police to enforce gun laws that have been shown to save lives. At the CWLA 2013 National Conference, our staff and the Mental Health Advisory Board brought together child welfare and mental health professionals for a listening session on the topic of gun violence. Together, they began a dialogue on the often overlooked impact of gun violence on the well-being of children, youth, families and communities and discussed current efforts to address this issue; they also identified problems that occurred in both the policy and practice fields and gave suggestions and possible solutions.

Certification can be obtained by passing a shooting test conducted by a rank officer or pistol instructor. These comprehensive training requirements help ensure that only highly educated individuals can carry concealed firearms in public spaces. The following table outlines state laws regarding the carrying of firearms on college and college campuses. Stricter laws generally prohibit gun ownership on all postsecondary school campuses, while weaker laws prohibit firearms on campuses in some, but not all, circumstances.

The number of gun homicides in the United States is 26 times higher than in other developed countries, but research shows that public safety laws can, with common sense, reduce gun violence and save lives. Most states promote responsible gun ownership by requiring permits to carry concealed pistol training weapons in public. In many states, people convicted of certain violent crimes and weapons crimes are disqualified from obtaining a concealed wearing permit. But without permission, these convicted criminals would be legally allowed to carry hidden weapons on the streets of the city.

Firearm safety training may include the safe operation and handling of firearms, the physics of firearms, the cleaning and repair of firearms, firearms laws and regulations, and best practices for keeping firearms away from children or other vulnerable people. Some courses include a live fire demonstration to demonstrate that the applicant can safely use a firearm. One study audited 20 basic safety classes for firearms in three states that had requirements for safety training and four that did not (Hemenway et al., 2019b).

The tragedies that took place in Sandy Hook,1 Columbine,2 Virginia Tech,3 and other schools in the United States4 show the devastating effect that guns have on our school communities. Calls to arm teachers or allow students to carry weapons will only lead to more deaths and injuries from firearms, not fewer. In contrast, laws banning guns in schools and imposing severe penalties for gun ownership help keep students and teachers safe. The presence of weapons in classrooms in higher education also taxes the First Amendment’s right to academic freedom of speech: Weapons can interfere with sincere speech that is critical to the college experience. Allowing guns on campus also poses a serious threat to people employed by schools, making the workplace more dangerous for university staff and faculty.

As physicians, GPs can help prevent gun violence in their practice and within their communities by properly screening and treating depression, screening for IPV, referring patients to appropriate services, and talking to patients about safe storage and treatment of weapons. This role gives them the opportunity to address and guide conversations about public health issues, such as gun violence, both in the testing room and in their communities. By promoting policies that promote safety and discourage violence, GPs are at the heart of the debate about gun violence. Adequate research funding is the first step in understanding gun violence and is essential for developing programs to prevent premature death from firearms. Currently, not all U.S. states report surveillance data to the National Violent Death Reporting System.14 International disease classification codes are often used to collect data on a national scale, but they do not provide the same level of detail. Creating a comprehensive data collection monitoring system will provide public health researchers with complete and consistent information to study gun violence.

They suggested that efforts should be made to counter the glorified image painted in the media by teaching the proper use of guns, highlighting the dangers of guns to children and youth, and explaining alternatives to gun ownership to ensure personal and household safety. According to the results of a 2015 survey, about 61 percent of firearm owners in the United States have received formal training on the safety and use of firearms (Rowhani-Rahbar et al., 2018). While there are no federal laws that require private citizens to receive security training, states sometimes require gun buyers or those applying for concealed carrying permits to show evidence of formal safety training on how to safely store, use and maintain weapons. Proponents of such policies suggest that regulations ensure minimum competence to use weapons safely, just as driver tests are used to determine whether a person can safely drive a car before being allowed to operate one.