How to Learn Any Subject?

Learning is a very important part of a person’s life. In fact, life is a big school. At every stage of life, from birth to adulthood, learning takes place in different ways. However, there is a difference between structured or formal learning and what I call “fascinating learning” or passive learning. For example, the type of training that occurs when you read funny text or watch your favorite movie or documentary. This is not to reduce the value of this type of training, but to draw attention to the phenomenon that the lessons learned are generally not planned in advance and are not based on specific results. Therefore, the learning opportunity may be more replaceable. The keys to effective learning are purpose, self-awareness and organization. The forerunners of this triad include the basic skills and knowledge needed to create a path to effective learning.

For our purposes, we will talk about structured learning because it is the most reliable and standardized. By the time the child goes to kindergarten, he or she has already, albeit unwittingly, already got into a structured learning environment. He/she may already accidentally use the word “school.” Kindergarten may be even more structured and can be classified as “real” learning, perhaps because this is where the foundations of reading skills lie. Most people often have fond memories of childhood. Thus, it defines the target aspect of effective learning. It can be a relic of learning, inherent in the desire to walk like a child, feed yourself, figure out how to get to a high board or tie shoelaces.

The goal in this context is synonymous with motivation. The more desires or goals a person has to achieve a result, the greater the goal. The goal is the reason someone is learning something specific. Determining a goal may be easier if the goal is spontaneous or voluntary. In the case of an unintentional situation, it is even more important to determine the target. This is an effective pedagogical practice that helps young students discuss the goals of learning on a particular topic and link them to their previous knowledge.

First of all, it is important to know for what purpose to do something. This should be intentional and voluntary. We always have a choice, even when it seems that we do not have it. It can be a difficult choice with pleasant or unpleasant consequences. When a student notices that he has completed a prescribed course that he deems ‘unnecessary’, ‘irrelevant’ or ‘boring’, he has a choice: not to take the course or to create a goal or goal. it is personally authentic and relates to itself. the beginning of the course. For example: “I don’t like French. I don’t know much about foreign languages, but I love history.” So, the question you can ask to articulate your goal is: what is the role of France, its people and its language in the history of the South? You fill the void. Another interesting point is the French language today compared to yesterday.

Authenticity and interests here are central. The student must take responsibility for setting their own goal of learning something based on their own interests, academic and/or social strengths or simply pure desire or purpose to do it well. The point here is that the student must find a reason to learn something that can be as specific or common as they want. However, it must resonate with the fundamental aspect of personality or values, or with both.

This brings us to the next requirement: self-awareness. The student can use these questions as a guide: Who are you as a person? What’s important to you? What do you like? How did you know what you learned before? What techniques did you use? Knowing yourself is one of the best tips. It’s a lifelong activity, but we start by paying attention to ourselves and thinking coherently. Tools such as multiple intelligence tests, I.I. and emotional intelligence can provide information and clues. Take responsibility for your learning process. Some learning environments and methods are more optimized for learning. However, the biggest responsibility still rests with you. After answering the questions, the student must apply the results.

This is an aspect of how training. There is a basic organization that includes meaningful common tasks such as training through learning tools, constant presence and active participation through deep listening and a healthy presence. If you’re in class, stay in class. In addition, to reach the pinnacle of Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, a deeper level of organization is required. Effective learning is understanding, applying and creativity with your new knowledge. It’s bottom-up. Your knowledge of self-awareness is applicable to the development of an individual program. Only the student can answer questions about how best to learn. The premise of learning how to perform a task eventually turns into an automatic habit formation.

However, mastering a skill requires focused concentration and intent. Rapper and producer Maurice Young says, “To become a master of any skill requires all the efforts of your heart, mind and soul to work together. Cooperation and synergy are therefore important. Your learning goal and self-awareness is similar to how you organize your program. A student may need a more aggressive plan for a topic in which he feels weak. Individual. It’s not so much about learning in general as about how effective we are learning in the long run.

As students, we have developed learning habits and methods that may be more or less effective, appropriate, or inappropriate for specific tasks. Sometimes they take root so deeply that they become automatic. But how effective are they? How are your short- and long-term goals for studying a subject or course progress? Short-term goals are more about listening, taking notes, managing time, knowing the requirements of the course, teaching style, and understanding your instructor’s expectations. Short-term goals also bring short-term satisfaction. However, long-term goals are more futuristic and more valuable, as updated training and acquired skills are useful for the company.

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