6 Smart Ways To Prevent Pests And Diseases



Garden pests, however, are one of the most common problems gardeners face. If you also own a garden, you must have fought these pesky creatures at some point to protect your garden. The good news is that you don’t have to resort to chemicals loaded with chemicals. Garden pests, such as insects, mites, snails and snails, can cause enormous damage to your vegetables and there is nothing worse than losing your crop to these hungry pests. Keep your garden lush and delicious by absorbing and controlling the problem early.

Thyme and Place offers houseplants and containers, a fully filled pot bench and planting tips for your space and lifestyle. Insecticide soap is an easy and natural way to get rid of insects. Make a bottle of insecticide soap by combining 2 tablespoons of castilla soap with 1 liter of water (3.8 l). Pour your mixture into a spray bottle and fold it over your garden leaves every 2 to 3 days for at least 2 weeks. Tomato hornworms are large (3-4 ″), light green caterpillars that strip tomato, eggplant, pepper and potato plants from new leaves and buds.

In the spring, cover the crop with mulch or let the chickens graze. Most orchards are unlikely to surprise that there are many millions of times more insects than humans. While some insects may be beneficial to certain plants, gardeners are too familiar with the destruction of many small creatures. These viscous earthmolluscs can move slowly, but can devour a harvest of tender seedlings at night, leaving only the stems and a clear and revealing path. During the day, snails and snails hide under leaves, rocks or boards and do damage at night. Like many creatures of the night, snails are partly for beer, but they are not snobs.

A large number of other insects, from ground beetles to praying mantis, can serve as stewards of natural vermin if you put them on with your favorite plants. Insects are often attracted to fresh fruits and vegetables, be it tomatoes, cucumbers or any of the other delicious plants that grow in your garden. Alliums keep cabbage worms, carrot flies, snails and other insects away that like to eat what you grow. Spraying diluted soap on plants can deter a number of pests. Use a natural soap without detergent or additives, such as castilla soap. Try 5 tablespoons of soap per gallon of water and try a small part of the plant.

Ants tend to sap sprouts like shepherds take care of their sheep and protect them from predators. To remove sap sprouts, you must first tame the ants, with sugary baits of boric acid that are not toxic to humans and pets, but slowly poison the entire ant colony. It is important to use a slow-acting bait, Wilen said, so that workers can bring it back to the nest and feed it to the Queen and the rest of the colony. When in doubt, use less boric acid instead of more to ensure that the poison spreads through the colony.

So grow plants under the right conditions, keep them well fed and water well in dry weather. Also, don’t forget to feed the soil, with a lot of well-rotten organic matter, such as compost, to promote a flowering root system that supports healthy growth on the soil. Ladybugs, floating flies, Pest Control Huntsville parasitic wasps, lace wings – just a few of the beneficial insects that help fight pests by eating or brooding their young. Seduce them with the most useful insects in your garden and grow many of the flowers they love, such as the cosmos, sweet alyssum, dill, yarrow and much more.